
According to the 2019 GLSEN Maryland School Climate surveyjust over half of Maryland students say they have access to LGBTQ-related library resources at school.

Just 20% of Maryland students say they were taught positive representations of LGBTQ people, history, or events at school. A collection of texts that positively represent LGBTQ+ characters and historical figures is critical for any school to be an inclusive environment for LGBTQ+ students and those with LGBTQ+ family members.


Number of students in MD that have access to a GLSEN Rainbow Library


Number of schools in MD that have received a Rainbow Library


Number of Rainbow Library books sent to MD 

'20 '21

School Year the Rainbow Library launched in Maryland

Of the 495 Rainbow Library sets sent to Maryland schools since the 2020-2021 school year,

  • 38% were sent to schools predominantly serving students from economically disadvantaged families
  • 3% were sent to schools in rural areas
  • 42% were sent to schools in suburban areas
  • 15% were sent to schools in urban areas

Request a Rainbow Library for Your Maryland School or Library